Zoo Animals Name In English

Ant - चट - Cheentee Formicidae 2.
Zoo animals name in english. Colloquially they are divided into categories like invertebrates those without spinal cords and vertebrates those with spinal cords. Chicken Rooster Hen Chick. List most popular zoo animals To download and print this free English vocabulary list click here.
It includes the following animals. Germans use this to signify an animal is small or cute. Buffalo - भस - Bhains Bubalus bubalis 4.
Ox Bull Cow Calf. Camel - उट - Unt Camelus 6. 319 rows Trivial name.
The antelope could not escape the crocodiles gaping jaws. Cat - बलल - Billee Felis catus 7. You will find all of our animals below.
There are many animals that live in the zoo. Bear - भल - Bhaloo Ursidae 3. Below is a useful list of names zoo animals in English.
Taigan Zoo - Europes largest nursery lions and other animals. One of the most common animal word endings is -chen like das Eichhörnchen squirrel or das Kaninchen rabbit. All Animal Names A-Z.