Warrior Cats Wiki Bluestar

Swiftbreeze brags to the other queens that her kits opened their eyes right after they were born making them true warriors.
Warrior cats wiki bluestar. Impressed after having seen Rusty and Graypaw fight Bluestar offers Rusty a chance to join their Clan of feral cats and train as an apprentice. Bluestar is caring trusting and loyal. Silverfish a warrior of.
Bluestar is a sleek lean and sturdy blue-gray she-cat with piercing ice blue eyes and silver hairs tipping her muzzle and tail. Into the Wild characters. Shadows in the Forest when Tigerclaw sends Ravenpaw back to the camp to tell Bluestar about the invading ShadowClan warriors and fetch reinforcements.
Bluestars Spirit Edit Edit source History Talk 0 Blurb. This page contains the detailed history for Bluestar. Bluekit is born to Moonflower and Stormtail of ThunderClan along with her sister Snowkit.
Backstory Bluekit was born in ThunderClan to Moonflower and Stormtail and had a sibling Snowfur. She is also more on the introverted side and has been shown to have some small dry humor here and there. She is mentioned when she talks about seeing Fourtrees for the first time and when she talked about the prophecy fire will save the clan.
She is seen on a patrol with Thistleclaw and Tigerpaw when they meet. Bluestar is a sleek blue-silver she-cat with a silver muzzel. Bluestar is a blue gray she-cat with thick long fur a broad face silver hair tinged around her muzzle and tail a torn ear broad shoulders a scar which parts the fur across her shoulders a long sleek tail and piercing round icy-blue eyes.
Bluestar was the one who let the formerly kittypet Rusty into her clan and changed his name to Fireheart. 78 moons 65 years at time of death Kit-Bluekit Apprentice-Bluepaw Warrior-Bluefur Queen-Bluefur Deputy-Bluefur Leader-Bluestar Mate-Oakheart Son. Bluestar was also mother to RiverClan cats Mistyfoot and Stonefur having had them.