The Animals Songs Lyrics

Savage Garden Lyrics The Animal Song When superstars and cannonballs are running through your head A television freak show cops and robbers everywhere Subway makes me nervous people pushing me too far Ive got to break away So take my hand now Chorus.
The animals songs lyrics. A Horse With No Name - America. Oh rise and shout and give God your glory glory. A Dogs Life - Wild Beasts.
The animals went in two by two hurrah hurrah The animals went in two by two hurrah hurrah. Wag Your Tail 12. These animal song lyrics are available from a variety of albums.
A little baby in his bed Is fast asleep. Walking In The Jungle 4. Animal animal animal animal Wild life Sound bite You know what Im an Animal animal animal Success Only thing I fear is death Animal.
The Animals song lyrics collection. The animals the animals Trapped trapped trapped till the cage is full The cage is full Stay awake In the dark count mistakes The light was off but now its on Searching the ground for a bitter song The sun is out the day is new And everyone is waiting waiting on you And youve got time And youve got time Think of all the roads Think of all their crossings Taking steps is. A Cat and a Dog Got into a Fight.
Theyre having so much fun. The Animals On The Farm 10. A Farmer Went Trotting.
These animal songs are just some of the hundreds of songs we have in our list of best songs for kids. Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear - Elvis Presley. Lets Go Shiloh Animals they make animal sounds Ill name the animals and you make the sounds Doggie Woof Woof Doggie Woof Woof Animals they make.