Orange Cat Names Female

With a little time to observe your cat youll soon come up with the perfect name.
Orange cat names female. Oliver The orange cat from the animated film Oliver Company. Orange cat names with a floral twist include Buttercup Marigold and Poppy. Amber Auburn Copper Coral Goldie Peach Red Scarlett Orange Girl Cat Names Based on Flowers Look no further than your own backyard garden for inspiration for your orange girl cats name.
Red hair is a classic Irish trait and so it only makes sense to choose an Irish name for your orange cat. A cute name can be a great way to compliment your girls wonderful coat and sweet personality. Girl cat names fit for a queen.
If you like Disney inspired names theres Ariel Belle Jasmine Megara Elsa Anna Aurora Esmeralda Tinkerbell Merida Mulan Nala Tiana or Moana. Oriole The beautiful oriole bird sports the same coloring. Roisin Roisin pronounced ROH-sheen means the little rose which is why we think it would be a good name for an orange female cat.
Maryland Calicos are the state cat. Nemo The adorable Disney fish has the exact same coloring. This could work well for either male or female cats who are ginger.
A precious red stone. Amber Apricot Aslan Autumn Blaze Burgundy Butterscotch Carmello Cayenne Chili Cinnamon Citrus Copper Dawn Fanta Garfield Ginger Heinz Lava Loki Mandarin Marmalade Mango Maple Marigold Melon Merlot Mimosa Monarch Nacho Nutmeg October Papaya Paprika Peaches Penny Poppy Pumpkin Pumpkin Spice Ruby Russet Sorbet Sunkist Tang Tangerine. The gender of the orange cat usually doesnt matter but there are a couple of names that are more appropriate for females such as Lucy or Tulip.
Orange Cat Names A Aalani the color orange in Hawaiian Amber Apple Apricot Arancione the color orange in Italian Aslan Auburn Autumn B Basketball Blaze Female cat names Male cat names Bourbon Brassy Butterball Butterfly Butternut squash Butters Butterscotch C Candy Corn Caramel Carrot Carrot Top Catsup Cayenne Cheddar Unique cat names. If you like flower themed names try Heather Holly Daisy Sage Lily or Iris. The Top 150 Orange Cat Names Agatha Amaretto Ancho Angel Ariel Blazer Bumblebee Butterball Caramel Cayenne Chianti Chili Chester Chili Chip Chrysanthemum Cinnamon Citrus Colby Conan Copper Coral Creamsicle Crimson Cuervo Curry Curtis Dana Scully Dandelion Dandy Lion Daphne Dempsey Dorito Dundee Ferris Firefly Fireman Flame Flanigan.