Kidney Failure In Cats Treatment

Causes of Kidney Failure in Cats.
Kidney failure in cats treatment. Fluid therapy is administered for three purposes during treatment for renal disease. Epakitin is a chitosan-based supplement that helps with the filtering your cats kidneys can no longer do. Since renal failure can occur due to kidney damage the best way to prevent renal failure in your cat is to keep its kidneys healthy.
While not curable kidney failure in cats is treated using a range of therapies with most aiming to reduce the kidneys workload minimize waste products in the blood replace lost nutrients and manage clinical signs. Cats who have advanced to or are diagnosed with Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease typically show significant symptoms including nausea vomiting weight loss decreased appetite. But the kidneys are one of the critical factors in eliminating toxins from the body - and they become less efficient with age and with toxin loading.
Treatment has multiple goals one of which is keeping animals hydrated. The initial prognosis is. Some good strategies to increase water intake in cats are feeding wet food and providing a water fountain or leaving a dripping faucet.
Ask your vet about Epakitin. Home cook for your pet. Nutritional support may be required in cats with persistent or uncontrollable vomiting.
Treatments For Cats With Kidney Disease. You can absolutely manage chronic kidney disease in cats. Bladder infections are much more likely in cats with chronic kidney disease.
He mentions you could change their water several times a day clean their bowl daily and consider using running water to increase water interest. Chronic renal failure is the consequence of a kidney malfunction for a long time. Erythropoietin deficiency is the principal cause of anemia in renal disease cats.