Can Orange Female Cats Have Kittens

Normally a female cat can have an average of four to eight kittens per litter.
Can orange female cats have kittens. This interesting fact explains why most orange tabbies are male. Vaginal discharge may occur in heat-prone females. The main factor which influences cat heat is sunlight.
The orange will have tabby stripes. Ive heard that cats can have kittens by multiple different male cats thoso all the kittens might not have had the same dad. The red part is just too small to see and all it takes is one red hair to make them a tortie or a patched tabby.
When a cat is about to have kittens there is a certain smell and other cats can smell this. Female cats can go into heat very shortly after they have kittens. Utagawa Kuniyoshi did a xylograph called Woman Holding a Cat depicting a woman in a traditional kimono holding an orange and cream feline.
Your female cat may act toward kittens or even to you as an adoptive mother. This is because the gene that causes a cat to be orange is linked to sex and statistically most orange cats are boys. My question is thisi thought that orange female cats were sterileor was that the males.
In this litter you know that all tortoiseshell tabby kittens are female all orange tabby kittens are male and that black tabby kittens can be either male or female. Orange is also tricky. The number of babies a cat can bear in a lifespan can be easily calculated based on the size of the litter.
If your cat is orange its very likely that its a male. As said in the posts above one of the parents has to have some orange to produce orange kittens. She might view you as a poor hunter and bring you dead animals or even partially dead animals to teach you how to hunt.