Big Cat Family Indian And Siberian

- produced by ERIC MAURER of SKATETRIX.
Big cat family indian and siberian. From russia with love. Female Bengal tigers panthera tigris tigris will average 300 pounds and males 450. Unfortunately they have a lot in common with the lions their numbers are dipping and their habitat is disappearing or being destroyed at a rapid rate.
Every day the cat is gone Love begins to believe more firmly Simba might have been stolen or might never come home. His body is muscular and he has big round paws with tufts of fur and a thickly furred tail. The only real North American big cat in the wild is the Mountain Lion the North American Panther is one of its nicknames.
This is a medium-size to large cat weighing 8 to 17 pounds and sometimes more. 1 Siberian Tiger - for sheer size and strength and power. There are several different subspecies of tiger three have already gone extinct in this century with the Siberian or Amur and the Bengal being the most commonly seen and spoken about.
Another formal breed name is the Moscow Semi. Even though they differ from each other in appearance yet they all belong to one single family the Felidae. Russian folklore fairy tales and childrens literature all include the Siberian cat breed.
The Siberian is a centuries-old landrace of domestic cat in Russia and recently developed as a formal breed with standards promulgated the world over since the late 1980s. Below is the list of amazing big cats that you may spot in Top National Parks of India and other wildlife reservoirs. But it is far smaller than the African lion.
INDIAN LION FAMILY LIFE - wildlife and big cat video - shows the INDIAN LION MALE RADJA his Son KUVAM and his Daughter KALIKA. Siberians vary from medium to medium-large in size. Children And Other Pets The Siberian has a bold temperament and nothing much ruffles his composure.